How to Fix the Print Spooler error code 0x800706b9 in Windows 10


There are various errors you may encounter while operating your printer. It may be caused due to malware, infected data, or corrupted user’s account. The end result is the same; it prevents you from printing any document.

One such error is Print Spooler error flashing the code- 0x800706b9. It is caused due to malware, and viruses infecting your system. In this case, you may need to do the full system scan of your particular device.

Types of Print Spooler Error

Multiple forms of print spooler issues erupting messages while facing a printer error. It is due to many reasons like you are not aware of the malware, viruses, corrupted files stored on your system. 
In this case, you cannot print a document through your system.

To make your printer virus-free, you may need to follow some important steps.
Here is the list of some print spooler error messages with their descriptions of fixing them:
  • “Windows 10 Print Spooler will not start, not enough resources” – It is a basic error you might face on your system’s desktop while printing a document. If any such error appears, then you need to make a fresh user’s profile account and then check it.
  • Print Spooler 0x800706b9 error: “Not enough resources are available to finish this operation” – It’s an error message which you may encounter sometime while working with the printer. In this case, you are required to perform a full system scan.
  • “Not enough storage is available to complete this task” – Here, you have to make some modifications to your System registry to fix this issue.
Here are the steps to know how you can troubleshoot the print spooler error issue flashing code – 0x800706b9:

Scanning system for Removing Viruses

If you find any problem while printing the document, then check your system properly and if needed, scan it instantly. It is also possible that your printer facing malware attack from some sources.  
To do the full scan; firstly, you have to mind these important instructions given below:
  • You have to use reliable and effective antivirus software to remove any such malware infecting your printer and system. You may use Bit defender, Windows Defender and so on.
  • Be sure to take a prior backup of all the data stored on your system to avoid any mishap.
Creating a Fresh User’s Account

The Print Spooler issues having the error code 1x800706b9 has multiple reasons for arising it. One of the trending reason for this is a corrupted user’s account.

If you are also among those who face this type of error code, then you may need to create a fresh account. To do so, follow these easy to use offered steps:
  1. First of all, launch the “Settings” application. Alternatively, you may tap the Win + I keys to access the Settings quickly.
  2. Then, you have to navigate to the “Accounts”.
  3. After that, go to the option which reads “Family and other people” located on the left-hand side panel.
  4. Next, you have to tap the “+” signed icon associating with the option “Add someone else to this PC”. It is located at the right-hand side pane.
  5. Then, select the option that says “I don’t have this person’s sign-in information.”
  6. Now, hit another option that says “Add a user without a Microsoft account.”
  7. After that, you have to enter the particular user name and associated passcode. 
  8. After that, tap the “Next” tab to proceed.
  9. Next, you have to use the new account that you have created. Place all your files and documents into the new account.
  10. After that, check that whether the issue removed or not.
 Changing Registry Settings

In case you are facing issues related to Print Spooler, then there is another option to fix the issue. In this method, you have to make some changes to your registry to detect and repair the particular issue. In case you wish to perform the registry modification, then you have to follow the under-mentioned steps:
  1. First of all, you have to take a backup of your files and data.
  2. Now, tap two keys together: Win + R.
  3. After a little bit, a run dialogue box will appear. Here you have to type the keyword “regedit” after that hit the “OK” tap.
  4. Now, go to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Spooler”. It is located at the left-hand side panel. You may use the key to take a backup after exporting it. 
  5. It could be done to avoid any wrong happening while changing the registry.
  6. Locate the tab which says “DependOnService” and hit it.
  7. After that, remove “http” located inside the “Value data” box. 
  8. Then, tap on “OK” to proceed.
  9. After performing these actions related to the steps as mentioned above, you have to restart the system and then try to check that this method properly works or not.
Resetting the Winsock
Through the use of resetting method to reset the Winsock, you can troubleshoot the Print Spooler issue flashing the error code0x800706b9. It’s very simple.
Follow these offered steps to know how to reset the Winsock:
  1. Firstly, you have to tap Win + X. 
  2. After some time, a Win + X menu will appear on your screen. 
  3. Then you have to select the “Command prompt” or the “PowerShell”.
  4. Now, run the command “netsh Winsock reset” in the Command Prompt window.
  5. After that, you have to reboot your PC and then check whether the issue still persists or not.
Using Printer Troubleshooter
  1. First of all, hit the “Settings” application.
  2. Then navigate to the section “Update and Security”.
  3. After that, choose the “Troubleshoot” option from the available menu. It is located on the left-hand side of your screen. 
  4. Next, choose the “Printer” option.
  5. After that, hit the tab that says “Run the troubleshooter”.
  6. After a bit, the process of troubleshooting will launch automatically.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the other steps.
Using System Restore Method
  1. First of all, you have to enter the “system restore” in the search bar.
  2. Then select the option “Create a restore point” from the available listing.
  3. After a while, the “System Properties” window will display on your screen.
  4. Hit the “System Restore” option tab.
  5. Now, hit the “Next” tab located on the “System Restore” window.
  6. After that, various options will appear related to system restore. 
  7. Then, choose the “show more restore points.”
  8. After that, tap the “Next” tab to proceed.
  9. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the rest of the steps.
Billy Sparks is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

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