Dark Mode of Outlook Website Goes Live

Today, Microsoft is launching a new dark mode directly to the company’s Outlook.com webmail services. Previously, the software developers teased the dark mode, and also formerly initiated a provisional version for the Halloween. While this new enduring dark mode can be allowed directly from the quick settings toggle, and only by current works with the use of default blue theme. It is even a lot more advanced than the Halloween mode, with some more of a grey appearance than the black one.

However, the dark mode for Outlook.com is now one of the most vastly requested features which are only for the Microsoft’s webmail service, and the company will also say that it turned the Halloween prototype to revamp the code and colors multiple times before releasing it.

Now the Outlook.com is mainly used by more than 400 million active users across the world, and it is becoming one of the top alternatives to Gmail. Recently, Microsoft launched a new design and also generally features for the contacts sections and also calendar. And from now the dark theme is going live for everyone around the world.

Harry Williams is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Harry Williams has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as office.com/setup.

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